Wonderful words , Rabbi. Bishop Hudde is a courageous and inspiring woman. You gave me a good chuckle describing your AI result for Micah 6:8

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Thanks anna

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Sorry, Bishop Budde.

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Another excellent article. I loved your foot notes as much as the article. Thanks for your insightful writings. You’re the Bomb!

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Appreciate it, Claudia. I like the idea that I can go into greater depth with the footnotes without making the original piece too top heavy

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I love comments and footnotes.

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Um, did you per chance read Charlie Sykes’ article today? It’s about a lot of awful things rump is doing be he touched on the wonderful Bishop’s request to rump and compared her remarks to the Sermon on the Mount. It’s a very good article and worth your time if you haven’t read it already. (Aside; I had to put my hair, which was on fire, out, when I finished his article)😡

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I'll look for it. Thanks for the suggestion

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Miss you sermons and incredible insight. Thank you for always speaking the truth. Hope you and Mara are well and happy.

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Thanks, Claudia. Miss you as well. It’s nice that at least we can stay in touch this way. Warm regards.

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The references to Micah and other specific Jewish Scripture enriches your piece, and educates its readers. It also dispels the common misrepresentation of the "Jewish God" as punitive and lacking mercy. We need to constantly remind our non-Jewish friends and cohorts that the "Jewish God"-- and the Torah--teaches mercy and lovingkindness, again and again. Bishop Hudde certainly understands that. I feel deep gratitude to her for the courage this truth in the direct face of power. Thank you for putting this in front of more people.

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I totally agree!

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Great piece! Thank you!

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Thank you, Rabbi. I love your attitude.

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Thanks Rabbi for a terrific commentary on Bishop Budde and the description of the front row…

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Thanks, Carol - for reading and writing!

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Congratulations on all your subscribers! I benefit from all your content significantly. I re-learn from the Scriptures what has escaped me, getting older you know. Humor is well received. And relish your foot notes! I appreciate your comments about Bishop Hudde. I commend her for speaking the truth. I'm certain she was following Divine Guidance. Thanks Rabbi Joshua.

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Thanks so much for reading and reaching out, Ruth!

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Thanks Rabbi for another wonderful read

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Thanks, Beverly

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Thank you, Rabbi.

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He’s gonna get nowhere in this term, but those who voted for him deserve the worst, he’s an abomination.

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I am a senior citizen. I do not trust many churches because many of them are corrupt. They continue to get more and more money from their members and those across America.

I have for over a decade have asked God why are black people so hated around the world. All of the things about where our ancestors came from was not taught to us. Why? There has to be truth about Jesus. The Bible said that the Israelites were going to be taken away and put into slavery. Only one group of people that fits that are the black people. Read the book of Revelations. Answer this question where have the Jewish people now in Israel been slaves around the world? Why does the book of Revelations speak about the true Israelites returning to Israel because the ones there are imposters. Why does christian nationalists use hate? Why are they a part of politics. White people are not all bad, but right now it is hard to trust them.

Black people are taught from childhood that we have to be two times as good than white people because they consider us to be dumb. We go to college and now they are trying to make it harder for us to get educated. Why? They know the truth.

Hatred has built this country and it runs this country. White people how smart do you feel right now? Look at you have helped to take over our nation. MAGA are you educated enough to do the hard jobs that people have gone to college for? Are you so afraid to admit that you don’t have the necessary qualifications to assume those jobs? Do you want to be known as a people that can only be successful because you can’t compete with people that are of other races? That would require proving that you are qualified.

All that any of you have proven is that you’re willing to suffer as long as marginal people suffer more. Will that make you smarter? They don’t care about the poor, the middle class, the working poor or those that are marginalized. They care about money. The Bible says that money is the root of all evil. Can you now see that is true.

Can you now see how republicans use you the white poor against the other races in order to get you on their side. DEI benefited white women more and blacks the least. You have to look at you and figure out that you have racism in you. Privilege doesn’t mean you are the best for the job. It only means that your color is the reason you got the job if you don’t have the education for it. Just look at your president and his cabinet. They messed with the FAA and froze job hiring for air traffic controllers which they knew were understaffed. Right now we do not know what caused that crash, but it occurred in his watch right after the decisions. More lives in the many different areas could be lost. Look at RFK.

My last point. That you have to speak up about racism. It doesn’t prove that white people are better or smarter. It proves that you are willing to cheat to prove it. In the meanwhile people have lost jobs and benefits are being cut. Your wages will be taxed more while top 1% will have decreased taxes and get richer.

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There is so much pain in your response, Deborah and I'm glad I could provide you with a platform to share it. Now let’s all work together to rid our society of these ills. Many thanks for giving me a small part of your day. The replies of my readers give me hope because you all care so much!

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What do you mean?

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Oh boy were they squirming. lol. Watched it again with the sound off and could focus more intensely on the squirming. Would be fun to speed up the video a little bit. Please someone post that

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Your wise words are very important to me because they give me hope. Thanks so much

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Happy to oblige!

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As an Israeli American, I would have liked to read, in your article, about Trump and point out what he did for Israel and what he will do in the next four years. Not just how horrible he is. Rabbis are supposed to give us both sides. No one in this world is perfect.

Thanks for your time.

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Thank you Leah. While I personally do not think he was so good for Israel last time, I respect your opinion and understand that the majority of Israelis agree with you. I'll try to give credit where it is due and deal with matters as they arise. This essay is focused on one matter that is particularly distressing for me - his inclination to believe that he's been chosen by God. In Jewish history, when leaders do that it rarely goes well.

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